Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles

In this case seeming inflexibility supports you in your attitude. You should stick to your principles, choices or the course of action you took, be it for any reason. Even if it is hard for you, this is what you need to do. In a later phase of your life you will be grateful for it. You need to hold on to what is yours, as you have often let important things slip out of your hands before. Do you think you are worth it to do so? There are situations when you shouldn’t comply, like now, this is the correct attitude required.

Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles

Progress in the areas of profession, finances or relationships comes with a little challenge. You need to test yourself in a new situation: for the sake of progression you have to pass an exam, to demonstrate something to others. This might be new to you, a test of courage, or you might like to pave the way to selling something of a bigger value. The Tarot for Co-creation is encouraging you not to feel threatened, as these steps will promote your case and are integral to your development. For your creation to show itself, it is essential that you invoke the emotion that will fill you with certainty regarding your awakening abilities, as well as that you nurture and anchor faith within yourself.

Two of Pentacles

Two of Pentacles

The Two of Pentacles means that at present, there is no stable, long-term, developing or thriving tendency in front of you in this subject matter. You are precautious and prepared even for extreme versions. In harder times you have provisions, solutions, or you simply know how to manage the given situations. In better times you are calm, make provisions, you are happy to secure yourself, or you simply live this calmness. This attitude is like skating on thin ice, yet for you it doesn’t feel so drastic. For now, do not plan long-term, as your attitude is malleable regarding the issue at hand. That what is in front of you though, will give you significant answers to your questions, regarding perspectives. Pay attention, and only react to the given situation!

Ace of Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles

A financial restart – be it changing your workplace, or an investment, a move, new plans, or starting a life with someone – is a direction to be strengthened. If you feel you are in a situation of decision-making, or whether you should free some of your resources, pay someone, sell something, or invest your existing material goods into this restart, the answer is yes. The Tarot is saying that every factor is ready for your plans: the appropriate resources and support are available for taking these steps. The attitude of being willing to act opens the door to your intentions to find you.

King of Cups

King of Cups

One of the answers for continuing to consciously create your present situation, is to develop your inner masculine energies. Either you yourself are a man, or you are a woman who is trying to attract a more favourable masculine ideal next to her (not exclusively in a partnership), you need to observe those men (masculine energies) who tend to others with the needed gentleness, devotion, loyalty and brilliant complaisance. This quality can exist in a stable way when it draws from intuitive sources, and follows its perceptions from a wholehearted instinctive, not a defined method. What benefits can it give you if your masculine side is strengthened with these attributes within your being?

Queen of Cups

Queen of Cups

One of the answers for continuing to consciously create your present situation, is developing your inner feminine energies. Either you yourself are a woman, or you are a man who is trying to attract a more favourable feminine ideal next to him (not exclusively in a partnership), you need to observe those women (feminine energies), in whose presence you feel good, because they are understanding, gentle, and able to assess your needs. Next to them, you feel that they touch your soul, as they communicate through theirs, or you begin to evolve by establishing connections where there is space for different perspectives. By focusing on the Queen of Cups, you are flooded by the caressing strength of self-acceptance and healing. What benefits can it give you if your feminine side is strengthened with these attributes within your being?

Knight of Cups

Knight of Cups

You are ready for commitment, it is good for you. Taking responsibility generates a sense of security where everything that is good and every feeling that is pleasant, can grow. The Tarot is inviting you to have courage practicing taking something seriously long-term, without the fear of losing your freedom. Attachment is also practicing forgoing, that can save us from our own mistakes, and gifts us with the magic of the depth of connection.

Page of Cups

Page of Cups

Draft your ideas, express yourself, show your creativity, capture people with your fantasy, fill the situation with life, be kind, playsome, giddy. It doesn’t matter, just love, and breathe life into the situation with your presence. Your task as Page of Cups is to inspire your surroundings with an emotional state that can open them up.

Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups

You can bring forth your formulated intent by strongly building on the emotional fulfilment, evoked by the Ten of Cups. The harmony of community life, happiness found in togetherness, working together as one, as well as with shared ideas, provide a direction that is important for you to experience, practice and utilize. Every factor is supporting you in being ready to experience the group in a really good way – be it your family or some other form of community. For the sake of further co-creation (upliftment) of your life, this emotional certainty, experience and stability, is strongly decisive and supportive.

Nine of Cups

Nine of Cups

All you have to do is anticipate what you are counting on. You have done everything, prepared everything, showed your highest possible creative cooperation. The exceptional excitement is a sign for the future, something that is important, filling you with life force and reanimating you. Enjoy this emotional state to the full. Play, and prepare to welcome the upcoming time without any twinges of conscience, as if you were welcoming your rarely seen friends, who, long ago, you shared happiness and celebration with.