Eight of Cups

Eight of Cups

A question arises within you, whether to leave something behind or not. The Eight of Cups clearly says: yes. It can also occur that moving forward is your only choice, yet even so, you are confused. This feeling is natural, since you are leaving or moving away from things, that you once very much loved. You can only trust the place which you are moving towards, but within a short time, the answer will become apparent: setting out is the thing to do…

Seven of Cups

Seven of Cups

Indeed, you won’t be able to take a step forward if you are so undecisive. You always want to figure out why things happen, what their message is, and then you end up reaching some other conclusion in a short while. Until you keep ranking them, the different versions will cancel out each other. It is not really relevant what life gives, or what others offer, with you figuring out the intention behind it. Your task at hand is to understand who you are and what you want through everything that happens to you. Life only gives you definite answers if you firmly know what is good for you. Don’t let yourself become uncertain so many times.

Six of Cups

Six of Cups

You need to relax the strict control or tensive circumstances. Old experiences, ideas, company, entertainment, or memories of how you had lived and felt in the past, enter your life again. It serves you well if you let yourself go, because in this way, that what conceived within you, can prevail in the earthly reality. It is not sinful to like earthly things. Our task is to manifest those pure values in our earthly lives that we have understood. To lovingly give ourselves once again, and to be happy with what became part of our lives and meant so much – is an essential part of our asking.

Five of Cups

Five of Cups

The experience of loss or grief is an important feeling, which shapes you and which you need to experience for some time. Five of Cups is a message about acknowledging that you should not hold on to your loss with your sorrow. You need to understand that the pain wishes to get integrated into your being, as loss is always a kind of illusion. With the „less good” that has been left however, you can build worlds. Why would you like to keep feeling sorrowful when there are more amazing heights waiting for you? Allowing this, your wounds will heal fast, and your attitude helps you shift to a clearer road.

Four of Cups

Four of Cups

Without doubt, you experienced traumas, or you perceive your current life situation that has put you in a crisis, as if you fell into a deep pitfall. I know that this state seems real, yet you need to confess to yourself: it is also a choice, a reaction to a given situation. Should anything happen anytime, should you find yourself anywhere, the potential that everything can be fixed, is there. There is also the possibility in which the world truly gives you that what generates emotional security within you. And so, Four of Cups is an invitation to understand that to be a conscious creator is to practice awareness, and when desolation is noticed within, it is possible to make disciplined efforts to overcome it.

Three of Cups

Three of Cups

Time to celebrate! You might feel that I am telling you this prematurely, however time contains the future that you have been working towards so hard. You deserve to feel relief, and honour everything you have done. The fruit of everything ripens, it is important to feel good when you are with others; to experience times which are graceful, as ceremonial mood is not only for one occasion only. You already have good reason to celebrate yourself, as well as a reason to celebrate together with others. The eternal moment of joy is one with existence.

Two of Cups

Two of Cups

When you ask for the guidance of the Tarot in any given topic, it provides further progression based on the relationship symbolized by the Two of Cups. Be it a relationship between friends, lovers, family, or work-related, it is in every way characterised by thinking together and mutual strengthening. The mutual positive experiences are provided and are enhanced by the togetherness each time, as your forwardlooking ideas are confirmed. You are highlighting a facet of the other person, who in turn gifts you with an aspect of your self, who you really feel to be. Good relationships elevate you. It is important that you practice choosing as well as creating good relationships. This is of key importance for manifesting your intents.

Ace of Cups

Ace of Cups

Your previous life experiences had become such strong impulses that they led you to create an immensely clear version of your current reality within your being. So clear that beside every obstacle, counter-argument, and „minimal chances” of their occurence, this version has filled your heart to the brim. The biggest resistance may be generated by not having any similar experiences before, neither by you, nor by anyone in your environment… Upon what grounds would you have the desire for it, when it has no tangible basis? The answer of the Ace of Cups to this in the Focus Setting is the following: just do all that you can and allow for the clear light to dazzle every factor that generates resistance. Why do you think that it is a desire, and not a life mission? Ride this wave, give birth through yourself to everything that you have understood about the Impossible.

King of Swords

King of Swords

To keep consciously creating your present situation, you need to develop your inner masculine energies. Either you yourself are a man, or you are a woman who is trying to attract a more favourable masculine ideal next to her (not exclusively in a partnership), you need to observe those men (masculine energies) who have a strong sense of truth, who don’t make decisions based on their emotions, but rather function aware of their reality. They are exceedingly smart, cool-headed, and don’t let themselves be influenced or dissuaded from what they have understood. These type of men are seemingly not warmhearted, but you just might need this aloofness, when you set boundaries, keeping your own truth free of judgement or a little bent towards others. What benefits can it give you if your masculine side is strengthened with these attributes within your being?

Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords

To keep consciously creating your present situation, you need to develop your inner feminine energies. Either you yourself are a woman, or you are a man who is trying to attract a more favourable feminine ideal next to him (not exclusively in a partnership), you need to observe those women (feminine energies), who are strong, can tackle difficult situations, strive for independence, who know what to do, and emotionally speaking, they are less approachable than most. These type of women are smart, they see through reality, they are able to reason, will and attain. What benefits can it give you if your feminine side is strengthened with these attributes within your being?